Hunter Onstine
"Fabrication isn’t just welding but you get to build stuff from the scratch and be involved."
Don't be afraid to follow your passion
I joined Raute in December 2015 after completing my welding ticket and started as a shop helper. I had begun schooling in environmental studies but soon realized that writing papers weren’t my thing. I needed something that I can do with my hands. After working at Raute for 6 months, I started to carry out my Red Seal Program through an apprenticeship. Within three years, I received my Red Seal certification as a Metal Fabricator (Fitter).
In February 2022, after an organizational change, I was promoted to Fabrication Lead Hand. That was a great opportunity. We currently have 12 or so employees working in fabrication. First thing in the morning, we have a “toolbox” meeting where we discuss current projects and plan for the day. My daily tasks vary day to day, but I am in general the “go-to” person if others need help or have questions about their task. I love the variety. We support each other as a team and if a lead hand is away, I will assist in their department to make sure things run smoothly. In addition, I act as a Forklift Instructor where I am responsible for teaching other people to drive the forklift and test them afterwards.
I enjoy my work very much. I love building stuff. Fabrication isn’t just welding but you get to build stuff from scratch and be involved. Some of the things are simple but then there are also very technical stuff that really challenges you. The veneer stackers are always fun to make. You get to do many of them, but they are never the same though. There is usually some twist in them. Keeps things interesting! And the best part is that I can use my skills in free time too with my cars.
Metal Fabricator (Fitter)
Started at Raute 2015