About us

Making wood matter

We are the partner to future-proof the wood industry 

With our unique solutions, we drive change and promote resource-efficient society

Raute’s technologies serve the wood products industry worldwide. Starting from your needs, we combine technology, analyzers and services to achieve the most resource-efficient, predictable and profitable production. We innovate digital value creation and discover sustainable future by combining leading wood expertise with real time data and local know-how. 

Raute as a workplace

For diverse talent, we are the workplace to drive change in the wood industry. Operations in multiple countries and continents, long careers, international client base. Would you like to be part of it?

Whistleblowing channel

Ethical business practices are the bed rock of sustainability as it covers areas such as safety, environment, information security, supplier requirements, anti-corruption, competition compliance, equal treatment and diversity.  We encourage our stakeholder and personnel to report any possible misconduct and violation they may observe in their work through our easy-to-use whistleblowing channel. This can be done also anonymously. 

Raute Code of Conduct

Raute Code of Conduct [link to pdf] summarizes our requirements and expectations concerning responsible and ethical business practices. It provides clear guidance on Raute’s expectations and requirements for our personnel, partners, and stakeholders to uphold our integrity and ensure responsible behavior.  

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