Text elements

Make sure that there is one H1 title on each page. Usually it exists in the hero element and you won't need H1 element from this category.

H2 - Normal title

<div class="text-block text-center py-4">
          <div class="text-block__title">
            <h2 class="divider">H2 - Normal title</h2>

H2 - Normal title aligned left

<div class="text-block text-block--align-left py-4">
          <div class="text-block__title">
            <h2 class="divider">H2 - Normal title aligned left</h2>

H1 -Green title

Ingress text....

<div class="text-block text-center py-4">
          <span class="subheadline mb-2">Subtitle</span>
          <h1 class="text-block__title headline headline--secondary divider">H1 -Green title</h1>
          <div class="text-block__content">
            <p class="big">Ingress text....</p>


<div class="bg-gray-dark">
        <div class="xl:container mx-auto">
          <!-- Normal title dark -->
          <div class="text-block text-center py-4">
            <div class="text-block__title text-block__title--light">
              <h2 class="divider">Knowledge</h2>
<article class="anchor-text-block border-b-2 border-gray-light py-3">
          <a href="#" class="anchor-text-block__link">
            <span class="anchor-text-block__date">23 July 2020 09:10</span>
            <span class="anchor-text-block__title">Raute Corporation - Half-Year Report Janurary 1 - June 30, 2020</span>
© Raute Corporation 2024