Financial position

Raute uses key ratios and alternative performance measures (APM's) to describe the income, operational financial result, capital structure, return on equity, financial position and cash flows.

Net sales, EUR thousand145 416158 324142 212114 994151 297
Change in net sales, %-8.211.323.7-24.0-16.4
Exported portion (outside Finland) of net sales, EUR thousand132 293141 830130 548108 267133 535
% of net sales91.089.691.894.288.3
EBITDA**6 781-9 6892 071  
Comparable EBITDA**9 273-2 2583 479  
% of net sales6.4-1.42.4  
Operating profit, EUR thousand1 863-14 642-2 244-2 7708 454
% of net sales1.3-9.2-1.6-2.45.6
Result before tax, EUR thousand1 795-13 814-1 772-2 4559 253
% of net sales1.2-8.7-1.2-2.16.1
Result for the financial year, EUR thousand1 350-11 513-1 775-1 8197 687
% of net sales0.9-7.3-1.2-1.65.1
Return on investment (ROI), %6.6-29.9-2.7-2.718.1
Return on equity (ROE), %4.4-40.4-4.8-4.116.0
Balance sheet total, EUR thousand**135 40592 053110 67685 42890 651
Interest-bearing net liabilities, EUR thousand-34 4196 721-12 244-3 863-13 923
% of net sales27.14.2-8.6-3.4-9.2
Non-interest-bearing liabilities, EUR thousand88 31756 73564 06537 74032 635
Equity ratio, %50.236.644.358.862.9
Gearing, %-102.729.4-35.9-9.8-28.1
Gross capital expenditure, EUR thousand4 4866 5726 2974 2582 956
& of net sales3.
Research and development costs, EUR thousand5 2156 2954 9194 2604 419
% of net sales3.
Order book, EUR million266841589488
Order intake, EUR million315138203119148
Personnel at Dec. 31754778802751778
Personnel, effective, on average749774780743761
Personnel, on average754829788760784
Dividend, EUR thousand612*003 4116 182

* The Board of Directors' proposal to the Annual General Meeting.
** The new key figures calculated only starting from 2021.


Calculations of key figures

The calculation of the key figures and the alternative performance measures has been presented in here.