Management of insider issues

Raute Corporation follows the Guidelines for Insiders issued by Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd, the Central Chamber of Commerce, and the Confederation of Finnish Industries EK. In addition, the company applies separate insider instructions approved by the Board of Directors. The Chief Financial Officer is in charge of insider issues in the company. 

Raute maintains a list of persons working in the management functions and the persons in their immediate circles (so-called management under notification obligation). These persons are obliged to notify Raute and the Financial Supervisory Authority about all transactions made on their account using financial instruments of Raute Corporation. Raute's management under notification obligation includes the Board of Directors and the Group's Executive Board.

Raute maintains a Confidential Information Recipient (CIR) list of employees and other persons who have continuous access to the company's undisclosed financial information.  The individuals in the CIR group are committed to abiding by the company's closed period. The CIR list is not public. 

In addition to what is mentioned above, the company maintains a list of projects. A project means an identifiable set of measures or an arrangement that is to be confidentially prepared by Raute, which is, according to Raute, insider information and whose publication Raute has decided to delay.

The insider trading prohibition of persons under notification obligation and in the CIR group begins at the end of the reporting period, however at least 30 days before the publication of an interim report or financial statements and ends two hours after the publication of a corresponding stock exchange release. The company avoids investor communication meetings during the closed period. 

Instructions to report Managers' and their related party's transactions
(updated on 15 February 2024)

Contact persons in insider issues

Person in charge of insider issues: Ville Halttunen, CFO ([email protected], tel. +358 50 3460868)
Insider registers: Elina Suomalainen ([email protected], tel. +358 44 289 9330)

Contacts by email in insider issues to: [email protected]

Link to the Guidelines for Insiders by Nasdaq Helsinki

Link to the MAR Guidelines by the Financial Supervisory Authority in Finland.

Raute has an internal procedure through which persons employed by the company may report within the company a suspected abuse of regulations and provisions concerning the financial market (whistle blowing).