
Remuneration systems

Remuneration consists of three components: the basic salary including fringe benefits, profit- and performance-related remuneration (bonuses), and long-term incentive plans. Depending on the employee's position, different combinations of the above-mentioned elements are applied.

Raute Group's profit-related bonus system includes separate systems for the President and CEO, the Group's Executive Board, key personnel, and the entire personnel. A person can receive bonuses from no more than one system at a time. The Board of Directors annually confirms the general principles, maximum amounts and calculation methods for the remuneration systems.

Payment of bonuses within the bonus systems for the President and CEO, the rest of the Group's Executive Board and key personnel is dependent on the person's performance and task-related personal targets for the entire year. Profit-related bonuses are paid once a year after the Annual General Meeting has confirmed the financial statements.

Payment of bonuses within the bonus system for the rest of the personnel is dependent on the Group's profit and the targets set for the team in question. The calculation method, amount and the maximum total amount of bonus will be decided on annually by the Board of Directors, and the system will remain in force for one year at a time.

Company’s Performance Share Plan currently includes three 3-year performance periods, calendar years 2023-2025, 2024-2026 and 2025-2027. 

Remuneration policy for Governing Bodies

Raute Corporation's Board of Directors has approved a Remuneration Policy for Governing Bodies on February 14, 2024. The Remuneration Policy for Governing Bodies was approved in the Annual General Meeting held on April 4, 2024. The resolution is advisory.

The Annual General Meeting held on April 4, 2024 approved the Remuneration Report for Governing Bodies 2023. The resolution is advisory.

Remuneration statements and reports

Remuneration report for 2024 

Remuneration report for 2023 

Remuneration report for 2022

Remuneration report for 2021

Remunration report for 2020

Remuneration statement and remuneration report for 2019

Remuneration statement and remuneration report for 2018

Remuneration statement and remuneration report for 2017

Remuneration statement 2016 and Remuneration report for 2016

Remuneration statement 2015

Remuneration statement 2014

Remuneration statement 2013

Remuneration statement 2012

Remuneration statement 2011

Remuneration statement 2010