About us
Raute aims to ensure competitive returns for its investors. From the investor section you find Raute’s financial information as well as information about shares, investor relations, Raute’s governance and Raute as an investment.
We want to lead the industry towards a more sustainable future in engineered wood products.
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Lines & Machines
There is always a "fit-to-your-need" line from Raute's own offering for any and all production processes starting from log handling, running through veneer production to plywood, LVL, or solid wood panels.
The core of production lines is made of machines. Many of Raute’s machines can be installed into existing lines as modernizations, also to other brand but Raute lines.
Making the most out of your raw material is made possible by modern analyzing systems. Intelligent analyzers make the right decisions at right time. Raute offers a wide variety of different types of analyzers for veneer, plywood, LVL, and lumber production.
Future-proof your mill.
Raute offers services worldwide to maintain existing veneer, plywood, and LVL production machinery and to improve the production.
The Group’s management and key personnel are covered by the company’s share-based longterm incentive plan. The system consists of a performance-based share reward system (Performance Share Plan “PSP”) as the main structure and a conditional share reward system (Restricted Share Program “RSP”) as a supplementary share reward system. The purpose of the plan is to align the objectives of the owners and management to develop the company’s value and to commit the management and key personnel to the company and to the achievement of the company’s strategic goals by offering them a competitive long-term incentive plan.
Company’s Performance Share Plan currently includes three 3-year performance periods, calendar years 2023-2025, 2024-2026 and 2025-2027. For each period two performance indicators are adopted. The performance indicators of the Performance Share Plans 2023-2025 and 2024-2026 are defined EBITDA targets with a weight of 60 percent and net sales targets with a weight of 40 percent. For the Plan 2025-2027 the first performance indicator is the EBITDA, and its weight is 70 percent. The second performance indicator is the net sales target, with a weight of 30 percent.
The earning period of the Plan 2022-2024 has ended and any rewards based on performance measures will be paid after the completion of the financial statements in spring 2025, provided that the performance targets set by the Board of Directors are met.
The company’s Board of Directors decides separately when each plan commences, the length of its earnings period, the performance targets, the persons entitled to participate in the plan and the earnings opportunity.
In addition to the performance-based share reward system, which is based on the value and growth of the share, the company’s Board of Directors has established a conditional share reward system (Resticted Share Program "RSP") as a complementary long-term share-based incentive system. The program consists of individual programs that start annually, and there are currently three programs decided by the Board, covering the years 2023-2025, 2024-2026 and 2025-2027. Allocations have been made to participants for the program 2023-2025, but from the programs 2024-2026 and 2025-2027 no share allocations have been made. The earning period of the plan 2022-2024 has ended and payments will be made during 2025 in accordance with the plan rules. The first earning period of the plan 2023-2025 for the years 2023-2024 has also ended and will be paid out in 2025 in accordance with the plan rules.
The rewards payable based on the Performance Share Plan and on the Restricted Share Program will at the company’s choice either be paid in listed shares of Raute or in cash based on the value of the share reward at the time of payment. The payment of the reward is conditional on the individual’s continued employment or service relationship with Raute.
In accordance with the ownership recommendation of the company abides by, the members of the company’s Executive Board are expected to accrue and, after attaining, to retain in their ownership an amount of the company’s shares that equals, for the CEO, his/her gross annual fixed salary, and for the other Executive Board members, their six months’ gross fixed salary. The members of the Executive Board are expected to use 50 per cent of the net bonus he/she receives from the plan to accrue his/her share ownership until such ownership meets the recommended level.
PSP 2025–2027 started in the beginning of 2025 and it consists of a three-year earning period, with two performance indicators applied. The first performance indicator is the EBITDA, and its weight is 70 percent. The second performance indicator is the net sales target, with a weight of 30 percent. Any possible rewards based on both performance indicators will be paid after the three-year plan ends and the financial statements have been completed, in spring of 2028, provided that the performance targets set by the Board of Directors have been achieved.
PSP 2024-2026 started in the beginning of 2024 and it consists of a three-year earning period, for which two performance indicators are adopted. Another performance indicator is defined EBITDA targets with a weight of 60 percent. The other is defined net sales targets, which is weighted 40 percent. Based on both performance indicators potentially payable incentives will be paid after the expiry of the three-year program and finalization of the financial statements during the spring 2027 provided that the performance targets set by the Board of Directors are achieved.
PSP 2023-2025 started in the beginning of 2023 and it consists of a three-year earning period, for which two performance indicators are adopted. Another performance indicator is defined EBITDA targets with a weight of 60 percent. The other is defined net sales targets, which is weighted 40 percent. Based on both performance indicators potentially payable incentives will be paid after the expiry of the three-year program and finalization of the financial statements during the spring 2026 provided that the performance targets set by the Board of Directors are achieved.
PSP 2022-2024 started in the beginning of 2022 and it consists of a three-year earning period, for which two performance indicators are adopted. Another performance indicator is Absolute Total Shareholder Return on Raute’s shares (Absolute TSR) with a weight of 70 percent. The other is defined net sales targets, which is weighted 30 percent. Based on both performance indicators potentially payable incentives will be paid after the expiry of the three-year program and finalization of the financial statements during the spring 2025 provided that the performance targets set by the Board of Directors are achieved.
PSP 2021-2023 started in the beginning of 2021 and it consists of three-year earning period, for which two performance indicators are adopted. Another performance indicator is Absolute Total Shareholder Return on Raute’s shares (Absolute TSR) with a weight of 70 percent. The other is defined net sales targets, which is weighted 30 percent. Based on both performance indicators potentially payable incentives will be paid after the expiry of the three-year program and finalization of the financial statements during the spring 2024 provided that the performance targets set by the Board of Directors are achieved.
LTI 2020–2022 plan connenced at the start of 2020. The plan consists of a three-year earnings period based on two performance targets. One of the two performance targets is the Relative Total Shareholder Return (Relative TSR) of the series A share of Raute relative to a selected peer group and its weight is 50 per cent. The other performance target is the Earnings Per Share (EPS) and its weight similarly 50 per cent. Any rewards based on the performance targets will be paid in the spring of 2023 provided that the performance targets set by the Board of Directors are achieved. Twelve persons belonging to Raute Group’s top management are entitled to participate in the LTI 2020–2022 plan.
LTI Plan 2019–2021 commenced at the start of 2019. The plan consists of two parts. The first part consists of a three-year earnings period. Its weight is 50 per cent of the whole plan and the per-formance target is Total Shareholder Return (TSR) proportionate to the selected peer group. The second part consists of a one-year earnings period and the subsequent two-year vesting period. Its weight is 50 per cent of the whole plan and the performance tar-get is Earnings Per Share (EPS). Any rewards based on both parts will be paid in the spring of 2022 if the performance targets set by the Board of Directors are achieved. Eleven persons belonging to Raute Group’s top management, including the members of the Executive Board, are entitled to participate in the LTI 2019–2021 system.
Plan 2018–2020 commenced at the start of 2018. The plan consists of two parts. The first part consists of a three-year earn-ings period. Its weight is 80 per cent of the whole plan and the per-formance target is Total Shareholder Return (TSR) proportionate to the selected peer group. The second part consists of a one-year
earnings period and the subsequent two-year vesting period. Its weight is 20 per cent of the whole plan and the performance target is Earnings Per Share (EPS). Any rewards based on both parts will be paid in the spring of 2021 if the performance targets set by the Board of Directors are achieved. Eleven persons belonging to Raute Group’s top management, including the members of the Executive Board, are entitled to participate in the LTI 2018-2020 system.
LTI Plan 2017–2019 commenced at the start of 2017. The plan consists of a one-year earnings period and the subsequent two-year vesting period. The bonuses will be paid in spring 2020 in cash. The plan covered, at the end of the financial year, altogether 11 persons belonging to the Group’s senior management, including the Group’s President and CEO and the members of the Executive Board. The performance targets are earnings per share (EPS) and growth in net sales.
On February 12, 2014, the Board of Directors of Raute Corporation decided on the establishment of a new long-term performance based share incentive program (Performance Share Plan) for Raute Group's top management.
The plan includes three individual share plans, commencing in 2014 (LTI2014), 2015 (LTI2015) and 2016 (LTI2016).
The length of each share plan is three years consisting of
During the restriction period the development of the value of the reward is based on the development of the value of the Company's share. The participant of the program may not sell or otherwise transfer the shares received as a reward during the restriction period.
The Board of Directors of the Company decided separately on the participants of each commencing share plan and on the performance criteria applicable to the performance period of each share plan, the target setting thereof and the target and maximum levels of the payable reward.
Terms and conditions of the Share-based incentive program 2014-2018
LTI2014 Share plan
The LTI2014 Share plan included 11 members of the Group's top management as participants, including the members of the Executive Board. The performance criteria of the share plan 2014 were earnings per share (EPS) and revenue growth. No share reward was paid for the earning period 2014.
LTI2015 Share plan
The LTI2015 Share plan included 11 members of the Group's top management as participants, including the members of the Executive Board. The performance criteria of the share plan 2015 were earnings per share (EPS) and revenue growth. The bonuses paid consisted of 14,523 of the company's series A shares. The corresponding tax portion was paid in cash. The vesting period has ended at the beginning of 2018.
LTI2016 Share plan
The LTI2016 Share plan 2016 includes 12 members of the Group's top management as participants, including the members of the Executive Board. The performance criteria of the share plan 2016 were earnings per share (EPS) and revenue growth. The bonuses paid consisted of 8,913 of the company's series A shares. The corresponding tax portion was paid in cash. The vesting period will end at the beginning of 2019.
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