Raute as an investment

Raute enables its customers to create value in forest assets by supplying technologies and services for profitable and sustainable production of veneer, plywood and LVL

Why invest in Raute?

Unique competitive position

  • Only company in the world offering its customers comprehensive technology solutions for the production of veneer, plywood, and LVL.
  • Leading technologies also for separate sectors of the process.

Megatrends support demand for ecological and long-lasting wood products

  • The popularity of wood as raw material is growing and its use in construction is increasing.
  • Construction is also constantly subject to new speed and efficiency requirements. New solutions based on engineered wood products are arriving to the market.
  • Safety and resource-efficiency requirements for production processes are tightening.

Digitalization creates opportunities for Raute's product and service development

  • New digital solutions based on automation are becoming more common, enabling new types of business models and service.

Large established customer base

  • Our customer base has a wide range - large consolidated forest groups to small private family businesses. Our customer base in 2023 comprised some 330 customers to which we supplied complete mills, production lines and line modernizations and offered our comprehensive maintenance service. The number of production lines with Service Agreements rose to more than 250 in 49 mills. 

Steady, persistent ownership

Dividend policy

  • Raute aims to pay a stable and sustainable dividend over different market conditions.