
On June 30, 2024, Raute had 6,310 shareholders

Shareholders' register and address changes

Raute's shares are registered in the Finnish Book-Entry Register maintained by Euroclear Finland Ltd.

Address changes

Shareholders are kindly requested to notify address chantes to their book-entry account securities account operator. Raute does not keep a record of the addressess of its shareholders.

If the account is maintainde at Euroclear Finland Ltd's account operator please send the notifiication to:

Euroclear Finland Ltd.
P.O.  Box 1110
FI-00101 Helsinki, Finland

Euroclear Finland's Customer Account Services, open Monday to Firay 9 a.m.-4 p.m. EET:

Urho Kekkosen katu 5C, 8th floor
Phone: +358 800 180 500