Management's holdings

Raute maintains a list of persons working in the mangement functions and the persons in their immediate circles (so-called management under notification obligation). These persons are obliged to notify Raute and the Financial Supervisory Authroity about all transactions made on their account using financial instrument of Raute Corporation. Raute's management under notification obligation includes the Board of Directors and Group Executive Board.

In accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) N:o 596/2014, Raute will also publish all its managers' transactions by a Stock Exchange Release as of 3 July 2016.

Stock exchange releases



Notification of Manager's Transactions

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Management's holdings

On December 31, 2024, the Board of Directors, the President and CEO as well as the Executive Board held altogether 125,185 company shares, representing 2.0 percent (2.0%) of the company shares and the votes.

Read more on Management's holdings:

Raute shares held by the members of the Board of Directors

Raute shares held by the members of the Executive Board