Veneer scarf-jointing
Bring flexibility into production of long veneer sheets while improving productivity and recovery from small diameter or curved blocks.
Scarf-jointing maximizes production of veneer sheets
Scarf-jointing improves productivity and recovery from small diameter or curved blocks by clipping any possible defects and jointing good quality veneer sheets together. In scarf-jointing shorter veneer sheets are combined together to create sheets as long as the longer edge of the final plywood panel.
Raute scarf-jointing lines give flexibility for production of any size plywood. Scarf-jointing can be used to produce practically any length veneer sheets that are long grain and strong. Our intelligent analyzers minimize clipping need to maximize recovery from each sheet.
The fully automated Raute Scarf-jointing Line R7 maximizes full sheet recovery with the highest capacity. Raute Scarf-jointing Line R5 is your reliable workhorse requiring only a small installation space.