About us
Raute aims to ensure competitive returns for its investors. From the investor section you find Raute’s financial information as well as information about shares, investor relations, Raute’s governance and Raute as an investment.
We want to lead the industry towards a more sustainable future in engineered wood products.
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Lines & Machines
There is always a "fit-to-your-need" line from Raute's own offering for any and all production processes starting from log handling, running through veneer production to plywood, LVL, or solid wood panels.
The core of production lines is made of machines. Many of Raute’s machines can be installed into existing lines as modernizations, also to other brand but Raute lines.
Making the most out of your raw material is made possible by modern analyzing systems. Intelligent analyzers make the right decisions at right time. Raute offers a wide variety of different types of analyzers for veneer, plywood, LVL, and lumber production.
Future-proof your mill.
Raute offers services worldwide to maintain existing veneer, plywood, and LVL production machinery and to improve the production.
Evgeniy Korotkov, Managing Director of the Cherepovets Furniture and Plywood Mill for many years, has passed away. Mr. Korotkov was also an honorary citizen of the city of Cherepovets and he committed himself to the people of Cherepovets region and Vologda. We at Raute want to express our deepest condolences to the family and friends.
Mr. Korotkov devoted most of his life to the Cherepovets Furniture and Plywood Mill. He started there as an engineer in 1976 and after a long career, he became the CEO. His career wasn’t an easy one, but he proved his ability to lead such a big enterprise through his skills and commitment. There are many examples of it – Mr. Korotkov received many awards, including the presidential one. He also received a high distinction for his service and commitment to Vologda’s development – ”For Services to Vologda”.
Evgeniy has done a whole lot for his mill. Under his leadership, the mill increased its productivity and output and developed to be a modern, efficient mill capable of producing the highest quality.
We will cherish the memory of Evgeniy Nikolayevich Korotkov, the real professional, good man, and dear friend!
Cherepovetsin kaupungin kunniakansalainen ja monta vuotta Cherepovetsin kaluste- ja vaneritehdasta johtanut, Evgenij Nikolaevich Korotkov on nukkunut pois. Lämmin osanottomme läheisille ja ystäville.
Suurimman osan elämästään Evgenij Korotkov työskenteli Cherepovetsin kaluste- ja vaneritehtaalla. Hän aloitti uransa insinöörinä vuonna 1976 ja tuli pääjohtajaksi pitkän uransa päätteeksi. Ura oli haasteellinen, mutta hän todisti kykynsä johtaa näin isoa tehdasta hoitaen asioita ammattitaidolla ja sitoumuksella. Hänen ammattitaidostaan on monta esimerkkiä: Evgenij Korotkov sai erilaisia palkintoja, muun muassa Venäjän presidentiltä. Hänelle myös myönnettiin korkea kunniamerkki – ”Ansiokkaasta palveluksesta Vologdaa kohtaan” - panoksestaan Vologdan kehitykseen ja pyyteettömästä työstään oman paikkakuntansa hyväksi.
Muistamme Evgenij Nikolaevich Korotkovin alansa ammattilaisena, reiluna ihmisenä ja hyvänä ystävänä.
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