Plywood Production

Enchapes Decorativos S.A., Endesa

Ecuador, Quito

The modernization together with the thorough training has made the Endesa factory more productive and has improved the quality of the produced plywood.

The Ecuadorian plywood producer Enchapes Decorativos S.A., Endesa, has been around since the mid-1970s. They have come a long way from concepts of sustainable forest management for native forests and plantations to rapid export business opportunities.

Raute and Endesa have been in cooperation since 1976 when the Finnish company delivered 8 feet veneer peeling line to the Quito mill. The mill’s machinery was updated in 2013 as Raute delivered a block centering system for two lines.

In the last project together, in 2021, Raute delivered a new Veneer Visual and Moisture Analyzer R7 -  Drying (formerly known as G5 VDA-F Visual analyzer and G5 MVA moisture analyzer) to ensure automated and precise production through intelligent visual and moisture analyzing. This was a modernization made to an existing drying line built by another manufacturer, which did not impede the integration and resulted to be a success. 

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