Materiality assessment

At Raute, we use the double materiality approach to identify what sustainability topics we should especially focus on in our sustainability efforts.

Double Materiality Assessment (DMA)

Double Materiality Assessment (DMA) approach considers both impact and financial materiality We evaluate ESG topics based on their relevance to our business and stakeholders, their impact on the economy, environment, and society, and the estimated magnitude of their effects. 

Our material topics address the present and future impacts that affect the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects of sustainable development. We want to be accountable for the challenges that may arise and to stay current with evolving trends. Our double materiality assessment reflects the full integration of sustainability into Raute’s strategy. The materiality assessment is conducted every three years by engaging our key stakeholders to ensure that we are on the right path with our sustainability efforts.  

The process has four stages:  

  • Identifying significant ESG issues 
  • Evaluating potential ESG impacts, risks and opportunities 
  • Prioritizing ESG topics 
  • Integrating the material ESG topics into sustainability work.